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Вопросы про чувства и реакции часто встречаются в устной части Cambridge B2 First (FCE), C1 Advanced (CAE) и IELTS. ‘Surprised’ — одно из слов, которым мы можем оперировать. Но чтобы его не повторять и не портить впечатление ограниченным словарным запасом, попробуйте выражения ниже. Есть также возможность потренировать их на Quizlet в рамках курса ‘Our Vocab’. Доступ к нему вы можете купить за 600 рублей, написав мне по любому каналу со страницы «Контакты». Все посты под тегом Different Ways to Say есть на Quizlet. Что еще есть в этом курсе — смотрите на видео.

Примеры и подборка для слова ‘surprised’ основаны на словарях из этого поста и из Longman English Activator, Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus.

1. When you’re amazed, something surprises you so much you almost cannot believe it.

Liz was amazed when she found out how much dinner had cost.
I’m amazed that the bank keeps lending him money.
She couldn’t help feeling amazed at/ by his stupidity.

2. Astonished / astounded is about being extremely surprised by something that happens, because it is very unusual or weird.

Mark was astonished when he read the message — what on earth could she mean?
It was an extremely nasty accident and I was astonished that anyone had survived it.
He admits to being astounded at /by the popularity of the book.

3. Be taken aback is used when you are so surprised or shocked by what someone has done or said that, for a moment, you do not know what to say.
ошарашен, поражен

I was taken aback to find an elderly woman sitting inside the door of the men’s room.
I was completely taken aback by his aggressive and unreasonable attitude.

4. Flabbergasted — so surprised by something that has happened that you do not know what to say.
ошеломлен, как громом поражен

The delivery men just left the furniture in my front yard. I was flabbergasted.
Doctors said they were flabbergasted at /by the decision to close the hospital.

5. If you can’t get over something that has happened, you are so surprised by it that you cannot believe it.
трудно переварить, справиться, осознать, прийти в себя

Madge couldn’t get over how much Joe had grown since she’d last seen him.
I can’t get over how much she eats — why doesn’t she gain any weight?

6. Be lost for words / be at a loss for words — so surprised and full of emotion that you are unable to speak
потерять дар речи, не знать что сказать

For once in her life, she was lost for words.
When I saw the devastation from our window in the morning, I was at a loss for words.

7. Dumbfounded /dumbstruck is about being so surprised or shocked by something unexpected that has happened that you are confused and unable to speak.
оторопевший, обалдевший

She looked absolutely dumbfounded when I told her what had happened.

8. If something is a surprise, or if it comes as a surprise, it surprises you.
стать сюрпризом

My brother’s sudden visit home was a complete surprise.
The news will come as a surprise to his colleagues.

9. If something catches /takes you by surprise, it happens at a time when you are not expecting it.
застать врасплох
The question took her by surprise.


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