Выношу в отдельный пост задания для работы над отчетом (report) в письменной части FCE. То же самое я уже сделала на эссе (essay) и рецензии (review).
Отчет /доклад (report) — это описание и оценка события или явления + рекомендации, что стоит поменять и над чем надо поработать. Пример такого текста смотрите в обзорном файле про письмо в экзамене. Еще примеры вы найдете в сборниках тестов и в курсах для подготовки к FCE. Последние находятся в этом посте , раздел «Экзаменационные курсы и курсы по отдельных навыкам».
Задания основаны на сборниках Cambridge 1-3, Handbook for Teachers и Trainers 1-2. Дальнейшие дополнения я отмечаю цифрой с плюсом – 12+.
1. A group of British teachers is going to visit your college for two days. The aim of their trip is to learn about how technology is used in education in your country.
You have been asked to write a report for the group leader. Your report should:
— include information about how technology is used to teach different subjects
— recommend which lessons the teachers should watch to see technology being used.
2. Your English teacher had asked you to write a report on a part-time or holiday job that you have done. The report will appear in the college English-language magazine.
In your report, you should:
— describe the job
— explain what you learnt from it
— say whether you would recommend other students to do it.
3. Your college would like to start an English-language film club where people can go to watch films in English and discuss them. Your English teacher has asked you to write a report giving your suggestions about:
what type of films should be shown
— how often the film club should meet
— how the film club should be advertised.
4. A group of English students is coming to your college. Your English teach has asked you to write a report on one local tourist attraction. In your report you should:
— describe the attraction
— say what you can do there
— explain why you think students would enjoy visiting it.
5. Your local government wants to improve your town centre and make it better for local people. Your college principal has asked students to write a report on the situation to send to the local government. In your report you should:
— describe some of the problems in the town centre
— suggest, with reasons, what improvements should be made to solve these problems.
6. Your English teacher has asked you to write a report on transport facilities in your area. In your report, you should:
— describe the existing transport facilities
— explain what’s good and bad about them
— suggest how they could be improved in the future.
7. In your English class you have been discussing why parks and green spaces are important for people living in town and cities. Now your English teacher has asked you to write a report.
In your report, you should:
— describe the parks and green spaces in your area
— recommend ways of improving these green spaces
— say these improvements would have a positive effect on people’s lives.
8. In your English class you have been discussing the leisure activities, for example sports and clubs, available at your college. Your English teacher has now asked you to write a report. In your report, you should:
— describe the current leisure and activities in your college
— explain what improvements you would like to see
— say why these improvements would be popular with students.
9. The College is always keen to make improvements to the facilities available to students, staff and visitors. The Director there fore invites you to write a report describing the current condition of one of following, and suggesting ways it could be improved:
— the reception area
— the library
— the cafeteria.
10. A group of English-speaking students would like to go walking in your country. The group leader has asked you to write a report that includes the following information:
— the best place in the countryside to go walking
— the best time of year to walk there
— what the group should take with them when they go there.
11. A number of English-speaking students are planning to stay with host families in your country this summer. Their teacher has asked you to write a report on what times people usually have their meals there, what differences there are the kinds of food that young people and older people prefer, and which dishes you would particularly recommend.
12. Your English teacher has asked you to write a report on shopping in your area. You should explain which are the most popular shops or shopping centres in your area, say why you think they are popular, and suggest other kinds of shops that you think should open there.
13. We are conducting research into new buildings and construction projects around the world. We want to hear people’s opinions about a new building or construction project in your area. What are its strengths and weaknesses? What impact will it have on the area?
14. An international environmental organisation is doing research into traffic around the world. Your college principal has asked students to write a report on the situation in your town. Describe how the amount of road traffic has changes a place you know.
15. The organisers of a public event which you recently attended have asked for feedback from people who were there. In your report you should:
— explain how the organisation of the event affected its success
— suggest recommendations for changes that will improve the event.
Пост составила я, Екатерина Зубкова, фото — pixabay.com